problem solving

Episode 11: Mind Maps

Episode 11: Mind Maps

Another great tool to develop and organize new ideas is a Mind Map. Tony Buzan developed Mind Maps to help organize information and develop new ideas. Buzan created an organized structure composed of key words and images. A mind map is like a visual brain-dump and exploration of a subject.

Mind Maps are an excellent tool for visualizing the relationships between individual items and a topic or problem. Also, visual images are a great way to help remember information.

Episode 9: SCAMPER

Episode 9: SCAMPER

A great tool to develop new ideas, is SCAMPER. This easy-to-learn and easy-to-use tool helps you develop novel ways to reimagine a product or process rather than recycling the same old “ingredients”. SCAMPER allows you to rearrange existing variables into new combinations.

The SCAMPER mnemonic stands for: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. SCAMPER allows you to think creatively using multiple perspectives to improve products, develop solutions to problems, or expand new ideas.

Episode 8: Pragmatic Creative Methods

Episode 8: Pragmatic Creative Methods

Using deliberate and systematic tool and techniques, are a great way to develop new ideas. The tools within this section are simple to learn and easy to apply to real-world challenges. Getting proficient with the following tools is not difficult; all it takes is focus and an investment of time and effort.

These tools will allow you to develop a large quantity of new ideas that will ultimately lead to high-quality solutions you can implement. When developing new ideas, avoid evaluating or judging. The goal is to develop a high number of ideas to find the few high-quality ideas to solve problems or develop into innovative products, services, or processes.

Episode 6: Myths

Episode 6: Myths

There are many myths about creativity. But don’t believe them, anyone can be creative. Many of us believe that only certain people can be creative, or that creativity happens serendipitously - it “just happens”. Yes, some people are more creative than others, but everyone can improve their creative thinking.

Episode 5: The Brain

Episode 5: The Brain

The main problem with creativity is how your brain operates. The human brain is a self-organizing system that converts incoming information to routine patterns and sequences. These patterns help you navigate the world with the least amount of energy. However, this pattern creation makes creativity difficult and requires effort to overcome habit to create new ideas.

Episode 2: Overview

Episode 2: Overview

The true power of the Positive Revolution is developing new ideas to make positive change. And the way to develop new ideas is with creative thinking. The objective of creative thinking is to develop new and better ways to do things. Identifying problems and working to develop new solutions is a great way to use your creative thinking skills. Creative thinking skills will allow you to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Learn and apply these new skills to unleash your innate creativity to power the Positive Revolution.