A Positive Revolution



We are living in interesting times to say the least. More people are being lifted out of poverty and ongoing technology and science innovations are changing lives for the better. As we live in a time of incredible wealth, longer lifespans, and unimaginable progress, we seem to be moving backwards in terms of morality, caring for others, and a sense of community. Due to the ability of those who hate and blame others having a strong voice via social media and various digital outlets, we are at a pivotal moment in time, to stop the progression backwards and move to a positive and more creative future. If we do not demand change and create change, we will continue to slide into a world based on hate, division, and isolation.


News agencies have always focused on the negative. And today with the large number of sources of both real and fake news, the negative seems to gather the spotlight. Though there are more stories of people doing good around the world, the negative seems to outshine the positive. This is nothing new, but has been amplified by the spread of social media and new forms of digital media. But there is hope. What I am suggesting is a Positive Revolution, based on the foundational ideas from Dr. Edward de Bono and the teachings of various leaders, especially the practices of Buddha (and really all religions – those who have twisted religions to justify hate and fear, are not practicing what the religious founders envisioned, which was a world of peace, happiness, and helping others).

And it is not just Donald Trump or Boris Johnson stoking the fear of outsiders, but this mindset of hate and fear has spread across the world to Israel, Italy, Germany, Brazil, and now India as Modi has pushed for more laws against Muslims. Luckily not everyone is joining this bandwagon to hate those different from us or become increasingly insular from the rest of the world. The example of The Sardine movement in Italy is a bright star among the endless negative news.

The Sardines

The Sardines are a group that is fed up with the growing Far Right movement in Italy, and are pushing for more civility and equality. They call themselves the "Sardines" — because they want to quietly pack Italy's main public squares like fish in a can, to stop a far-right, anti-immigrant wave rising in Italian society and politics. Their goal is not to create a new political party, but to build a voice and create unity. The group now has almost 150,000 members and is a great example of how a grassroots movement can make change


The Sardines are focused on local elections to ensure fair and honest elections are conducted. They want to overcome the lies and fear, to promote positive change. As the former Uruguay President Jose “Pepe” Majica, noted in terms of caring for others, which the Sardines are trying to communicate:

"We can almost recycle everything now. If we lived within our means, by being prudent, the 7 billion people in the world could have everything they needed. Global politics should be moving in that direction. But we think as people and countries, not as a species."

Buddha Teachings

I envision several ways to create the Positive Revolution. First, to adopt the mindset and practices of Buddha (or other religions that are based on self-improvement and the caring of others). Changing one’s mindset from selfishness to caring for others is a critical step towards self-improvement. Daily mediation to develop and control your mind will reduce anger and hence problems. All of our problems are within our mind, not outside it. If you can control your mind and abandon anger, attachments, and practice giving, moral discipline, patience, concentration, and wisdom, you will treat yourself and those around you much better.

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I know this sounds very new age, but it really works. And when you start reading some of the teachings, it makes complete sense. I have been meditating daily for about three months, and I have not gotten angry once in 90 days. I continually work on controlling my emotions, and I am respecting others around me, when prior I would lash out at others and blame those around me for problems. You can’t blame others for your own problems. Problems arise within yourself, often from a misunderstanding of perspectives.

Meditating and mindfulness allow you to prevent distractions and concentrate on virtuous objects. Anger is probably the most destructive delusion. It robs you of your reason and good sense, so it must be dealt with as soon as it arises. You need to thank people who anger you. Look at them as helping you practice patience and you will be amazed as how things will be much easier, and you will be much happier. To overcome suffering and anger, the goal should be to achieve happiness for you and everyone around you; enemies included.

If you can maintain a peaceful and positive mind, you will be free from suffering and painful feelings. Replacing anger with compassion should be the first step towards changing yourself and not blaming others. The next step is simple communication. Most of us have experienced how when we are angry at someone and hold it in, nothing improves. But once we discuss the problem with the other person, it seems like a heavy weight is lifted from our shoulders.



The second step, is to engage in conversations. Letting go of preconceived judgements and stereotypes, and working with others will create positive change. And most importantly, the conversation should be focused on listening, not speaking. Active listening is a difficult skill, but the more you can focus on what the other person is saying, and not what you want to say, you will understand them in a new light. The world needs change and the act of slowing down, engaging in simple conversations with our so-called enemies allows us to be cooperative instead of competitive. If you can focus on learning, improving things, and caring for others, you can make a huge difference in yourself, your relationships, within your organization and community.

It takes courage to start a conversation with those you are angry with or think negatively about, but a sense of optimism can overcome cynicism, impatience, fear, and anger. If you can move beyond negative beliefs to understand others, acknowledge them as equals, stay curious about one another, and help each other become better, things can only become better.

The Positive Revolution

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Finally, the concept of Positive Revolution is from Dr. Edward de Bono. The concept is to move beyond force and conflict to solve differences, and solve problems in new ways – the focus is on construction rather than destruction. Negativity impedes progress. It is critical to develop creative, constructive and positive ways to create a new future.

The problem with the current system is that those in power use their resources (e.g., money, connections) and intelligence to defend their positions and impart a sense of fear. We need to move beyond a win/lose mindset towards one where everyone wins. Several examples of how to develop a positive revolution are:

  • Instead of attacking something, it's better to build something new and better.

  • Instead of criticizing, create a better design.

  • Change comes through perception, rather than violence, and is powered by information rather than weapons.

  • Instead of relying on a centrally-organized system, the revolution grows from a self-organizing system.

  • Instead of providing direction through ideology and dogma, create a flexibility that allows changes in direction.

Doctor de Bono uses the hand to represent the five principles for a Positive Revolution.

  1. Thumb - Effectiveness: making sure that what you intend to do gets done. Symbolized by the thumb, without which the hand is not effective.

  2. Index finger - Constructiveness: ensuring that everything you do follows a positive direction. Symbolized by the index finger, the finger used to point a direction.

  3. Middle finger - Respect: treating others as human beings, with human rights and human dignity. A revolution by people is also for people, so respect is essential. As this is considered the most important principle of all, it's symbolized by the longest finger, the middle finger.

  4. Ring finger - Self-Improvement: continuously increasing positive attitude, habits and skills while decreasing negative ones. Every individual has the right as well as the duty to make himself or herself better. This is symbolized by the ring finger, which is seldom most prominent in our actions, but is always there.

  5. Pinkie - Contribution: giving what you can toward bringing the positive revolution to pass. Symbolized by the little finger, meaning that even the smallest contribution is worthwhile, and will add up eventually


Several tools to create the revolution include:

  • Changing perceptions

  • Creating new symbols

  • Altering thinking methods

  • Naming things

  • Educating on positive methods in positive ways

  • Creating organizations to facilitate action

And de Bono suggests several ways to develop a positive mindset and start making the Positive Revolution a habit.

  • Treating others with respect, even those you may disagree with. This is crucial to working the positive revolution.

  • Opening your mind to new things and being more active in pursuing new and old interests.

  • Becoming more interesting in your discussions, by putting more effort and thought into the style and content of your communication.

  • Trying to be helpful and agreeable; trying to build bridges rather than defensive walls between people.

  • Assessing what you're doing consciously, to make sure you are acting by choice and in positive directions.

  • Praising and appreciating the things you do well, and noting the things you don't succeed at, so you can target them for improvement.


It is vital we improve ourselves and our thinking. We cannot be swayed by the hate and rhetoric from current political leaders. You must take it upon yourself to change yourself and help those around you. Ask yourself how you can help others and focus on compassion and happiness. How can you improve the lives of others? What skills do you have that you can share to help those in need? What can you do to help the future generations? How can you improve relations within your company?


Mostly, it comes from awareness. All of us need to understand political rhetoric and move beyond dogma, and accept change as positive. We cannot be blinded by those in power who profit while others struggle. We need to see clearly that the selfish greed of power and wealth drive those in power. They are not there to improve the entire populace, but to only improve themselves and their friends.

I know this seems like I’m on a soapbox, and I probably am. But if we study history, we will see many similarities to the atrocities of the past. There can be a better way forward, and it is every one of our responsibility to ensure future generations live in prosperity, happiness, and peace. Are your ready to start the Positive Revolution?


Handbook for the Positive Revolution by Edward de Bono

How to Solve Our Human Problems by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Turning to One Another by Margaret Wheatly



