positive revolution

Creating Positive Environments

Creating Positive Environments

A large part of the Positive Revolution is setting an example for others, and helping others become Positive Revolutionists through self-improvement and support. In Kim Cameron’s excellent book, Positive Leadership: Strategies for Extraordinary Performance, the author outlines what is required to develop and implement Positive Leadership, create a Positive Climate, and most importantly build and nurture Positive Relationships.

Start the Revolution, Now!

Start the Revolution, Now!

At the end of last year I decided instead of announcing another New Year’s resolution, I would focus on a long-term plan to help others. The idea was to become a catalyst for a Positive Revolution, based on Dr. Edward de Bono’s book, Handbook for the Positive Revolution. The idea was to share my skills and experience to help people make positive changes within themselves, their families, communities, and organizations. It is about making change and solving problems to change the world for the better. Even if it is only a tiny corner of the globe.

A Positive Revolution

A Positive Revolution

We are living in interesting times to say the least. More people are being lifted out of poverty and ongoing technology and science innovations are changing lives for the better. As we live in a time of incredible wealth, longer lifespans, and unimaginable progress, we seem to be moving backwards in terms of morality, caring for others, and a sense of community. Due to the ability of those who hate and blame others having a strong voice via social media and various digital outlets, we are at a pivotal moment in time, to stop the progression backwards and move to a positive and more creative future. If we do not demand change and create change, we will continue to slide into a world based on hate, division, and isolation.