Start the Revolution, Now!

At the end of last year I decided instead of announcing another New Year’s resolution, I would focus on a long-term plan to help others. The idea was to become a catalyst for a Positive Revolution, based on Dr. Edward de Bono’s book, Handbook for the Positive Revolution. The idea was to share my skills and experience to help people make positive changes within themselves, their families, communities, and organizations. It is about making change and solving problems to change the world for the better. Even if it is only a tiny corner of the globe.


As COVID hit and months seemed to fly by, I realized I was not doing enough to put my plans in place. And since one of the main tenets of the Positive Revolution is action, I was not practicing what I preach. As well as my plans were for in-person training workshops to help people build the skills to improve themselves and their environments. So just like everyone else, I had to pivot.

I am now in the process of building a website as a source of reference for the Positive Revolution. The goal is to provide continuous content, resources, and examples to motivate as many people to become revolutionists in the fight for good. And I feel this is a critical time to launch the revolution. In terms of the increasing amount of hate, violence, and divisiveness in the world, we all need to put our differences aside (and get beyond the continuous stream of fake news and lies) and work together to improve the world.

As racism becomes more visible, environmental disasters increasing, more people and families being thrust into poverty, and education being turned upside down, it is critical to do our part to make a positive change. The Positive Revolution will focus on constructing a new way forward, not destroying what we have. It is about moving beyond negativity and developing behaviors and a mindset to find new ways to achieve the impossible. The Positive Revolution will focus on empowering through learnings like creative thinking, critical thinking, decision-making, and most importantly, being effective and taking action.

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Now is not the time to sit back and watch our society crumble. It is not the time to be a “keyboard warrior” and expect our posts on social media to make a difference. If we want to make a real difference, the time is now to learn, create, and innovate. The time is ripe for positive change and move beyond the problems with the current system. We all need to contribute to making the world a better place, and overcoming the hatred, attacks, and violence that are becoming more-and-more prevalent.

So in the next few weeks the website will be live. It will contain a continuous stream of content to help future revolutionists develop the skills to make a positive change. There will be online workshops where revolutionists can share stories and support one another. Examples of positive change will be shared as well as providing a platform for individuals and groups to share stories of positive change. Most importantly, the website will be the central foundation for the revolution.


So stay tuned. The website is and you can contact me at My goal is to continue what Dr. de Bono started in his book, as well as those who are already out there “fighting the good fight”. And once we can start socializing, I will be traveling around the globe to help plant the seeds for the Positive Revolution. In addition, I will also be setting up a Patreon site to gather the resources necessary to make this a truly global movement. I hope everyone will see the need and benefit of this, and will take-up the call to help change the world. The time to act is now. There is no time to wait.