edward de bono

Value Monopoly

Value Monopoly

We always hear the business press and academics talk about how unpredictable the future will be. How the rapid rate of change will affect all industries and businesses. However, the instability we are all experiencing right now is unprecedented for most of us. As I have written before, these times require all of us to rethink how we conduct business. Times like this requires us all to reevaluate how we conduct business and how to survive and prosper as things rapidly change. If you typically react to market changes, this is a great “kick-in-the-pants”moment to be proactive. Stay positive and realize the unlimited opportunities that now exist.

Creative Alternatives

Creative Alternatives

A great method to drive innovation throughout the organization is to constantly search for alternative ways of doing business. A key part of the de Bono Thinking Systems is the use of alternatives. Creativity is about finding alternatives, different ways of doing things. Too often we are satisfied with the current state and avoid any effort for improvement. Before we realize it, our sales are declining and customers are moving to our competitors. We should always be looking for new ways to improve a product, process, or business operation. Not just when problems occur or during special situations, but always, every day!

Dr. Edward de Bono

Dr. Edward de Bono

Parallel thinking. Lateral thinking. Random word. Six thinking hats. These are just a few of the theories and tools developed by Dr. Edward de Bono. Dr. de Bono is one of the foremost authorities on creative thinking. He was born in Malta in 1933 and is a PdD in medicine. After practicing and researching medicine, he moved to how humans think and create new ideas.