
The Unprofessional Profession

The Unprofessional Profession

How many business leaders spend hours every week improving their skills and finding new ways to create value? How many would rather spend their time at the bar or on the golf course rather than studying foundational principles to bring their business to the next level? How many decisions are based on guesses, rather than data and talking to customers? How much of day-to-day operations have not changed in the past five years? How many managers just wing it?

These are just some of the foundational issues within organizations. And the modern MBA courses do not help. MBA courses emphasize on finances and archaic tools and techniques that most people never use. You rarely learn about Deming, Imai, Drucker, Ries and Trout, as well as creative and critical thinking in the halls of academia. The skills for the real world, are missing.

Inbound Marketing and the Product Manager - Part II

Inbound Marketing and the Product Manager - Part II

The market is getting increasingly competitive and dynamic. Consumers are inundated with a constant flow of information. It is becoming harder to get people’s attention and turn them into qualified sales leads. Worse, marketing departments are operating with smaller budgets and bare-bone teams. So, how do you get through all the noise to reach and engage with customers? Inbound marketing.